World Financial District 60 Broad Street – Suite 3502 New York, NY 10004 USA


AA propose a line of Acousto-optic Q-switches and associated RF drivers, for a wide range of applications. They are manufactured from the highest quality materials, with optimized hard coatings for high damage threshold and long term operation. All AA Q-switches are designed so as to optimize heat dissipation and beam stability with a unique glueing and mechanical technology which reduces stress during operation.


Additional information

Air-cooled Q-Switches

Compact solutions for short cavities, or low gain cavities.

ModelMaterialPolarizationCarrier Freq. MHzAperture mm x mmLosses %Optional Length mmAssociated RF driver
QCQ40-A1,5-L1064-Z32QUARTZLinear40.681.5 x 2> 8032QMODP0xx
QCQ40-A1,5-L1064-Z32QUARTZLinear801.2 x 2> 8032QMODP0xx